Simona Levi
Founder of Xnet, playwright, activist, technopolitical strategist and teacher
Born in Italy, naturalised Spanish and based in Barcelona, she is an activist in European social movements in the fields of freedom of expression and information, digital rights, the free circulation of culture and knowledge, the strategic use of digital tools for collective action, institutional accountability, the protection of whistleblowers and the fight against corruption and disinformation.
She is also a promoter of the citizen platforms Xnet, FCFòrum, 15MpaRato and the Citizen Group against Corruption, both at Catalan and national level.
She is co-author of the book Tecnopolítica, internet y r-evoluciones. Sobre la centralidad de redes digitales en el #15M and has also coordinated Cultura libre digital. Nociones básicas para defender lo que es de todxs, both books published in 2012 by the publishing house Icària. In May 2017 she published Votar y cobrar. La impunidad como forma de gobierno with the publishing house Capitán Swing. And in October 2019 she co-authored #FakeYou, Fake news i desinformació. Governs, partits polítics, mass media, corporacions, grans fortunes: monopolis de la manipulació informatica i retallades de la llibertat d’expressió with the publishing house Raig Verd.
In 2017 Rolling Stone magazine chose Simona Levi, as founder of Xnet and for her work with 15MpaRato, as one of the 25 people in the world who are shaping the future.